8 Ideas for Winter Family Fun
When the thermometer drops, some of our favorite activities disappear too. If you’re spending increased time with kids at home this winter, consider these creative activities to add to your parenting arsenal. Some are healthy, some are educational, and some are just plain fun!
#1 Write Letters
The internet is great. More information is available to us now than at any other point in history, but experts also warn that screen time should be limited, especially for young children. Instead of plopping down and watching a television show, try taking the time to write letters to friends that have children of the same age. When writing letters with your children, you can build their communication skills and engage their imaginations.
#2 Dance It Out
Or maybe you shouldn’t sit at all. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states that young children should be active throughout the day, and that kids from 6 to 17 should get at least one hour of vigorous daily activity. You can make progress towards that daily quota by scheduling dance breaks throughout the day. Take turns among parents and kids picking a favorite song to boogie down to, and your bodies will release powerful feel-good endorphins.
#3 Cultural Immersion
You know what else feels good: learning! If you’re looking for creative ways to break up the routine and expand your kids’ minds, schedule a weekly culture day featuring different countries. Read books that feature your country of choice; learn an international greeting; make meals from that country’s cuisine; watch a documentary about the people of that land. You can even work to make outfits from that culture – all as a gateway to learning.
#4 A Day at the Museum
Another important tool for understanding culture is through art. Many of the great museums, both at home and abroad, have made their collections available online. A trip to the museum is as easy as opening up your computer!
#5 Get Crafty
You don’t need Martha Stewart-level craft skills to create fun activities for your kids. An easy place to look for crafting materials is in your own recycling bin. Everyday objects can be easily transformed into beloved DIY toys. One activity that can lead to endless fun is making a puppet theatre out of a shoe box. Creating characters, building sets, and writing scripts can carry your kids through a eco-friendly winter of creativity. We love taking sustainability into account with play and with everything else we do. That’s one of the reasons we’re so passionate about the maskSAFE brand, and how our face mask cases can extend the life of a mask. Our respect for nature leads to the next activity…
#6 Take a Hike
With the right gear, you can go outside for a walk in almost any condition, whether it’s cold, rainy, or snowing. Walking has been called “the closest thing we have to a wonder drug,” with many documented health benefits.
If you want to spice up your walks, try preparing a scavenger hunt list beforehand, so your kids can check off their observations of wildlife, flowers, out-of-state license plates, or anything else you imagine.
#7 Build a Snowman
This is an all-time classic that got a big boost from Frozen and its catchy song, “Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?” If you’ve never tried building your own Frosty before, there are plenty of tips online for how to get started with this nostalgic activity.
#8 Go “Out” for a Picnic
But if winter temps have you stuck in the house, then you can still have outdoor fun inside with “picnic” days. Take a blanket and a basket of food to a place you don’t normally dine and have a fun meal on the floor!
It can feel a little intimidating to fill the hours when you’re suddenly spending lots more time indoors with young kids, but with a little ingenuity and a lot of love, you and the kids can find yourselves fulfilled and stimulated.
And when you do head outside make sure you have your mask, with a maskSAFE on hand to carry, preserve, and protect your precious PPE when it’s not being worn. We have a range of sizes and colors to suit the needs of your whole family!
- the maskSAFE Family